Friday, August 3, 2012

The Best Two Days of the Year

Chris and I celebrated our 6th anniversary last Saturday and my birthday on Sunday-- and I thought it was way fun to have them both on weekend days this year. Chris didn't have to work, my family got to visit, and we were able to just relax and enjoy both days without any church, school, or work obligations, which was SO NICE.

Every year, for our anniversary, we buy a season of Seinfeld. We always make sure to buy it weeks beforehand, so that it's there for sure on the big day. And it stays packaged until our anniversary night when we cuddle up in bed with our favorite dinner and watch episode after episode together.

I know it's not glamorous or exciting. It's not a night out on the town or a romantic getaway (although hopefully those will come one day!)-- but it works for us. And we love that time together, just to relax and laugh. In fact, that was one of the most attractive things about Chris to me-- that we could just sit, and watch TV together, and that could be ok with him. Maybe that's silly-- but it's something I like :)

And to counter the uber-laziness of watching episode upon episode of Seinfeld, the second part of our Anniversary celebration was running our first 5k together! Which, as much as I hate to admit it, was a lot of fun and a GREAT start to our weekend! I'm super excited to do another one with him on Labor Day :)

(PS- Chris pushed the stroller the whole way. Thanks, hon ;)

The 5k was part of Stuart Drafts' summer festival, Sweet Dreams Day-- which is apparently sponsored majorly by Hersheys! (Um, hellooooooo? We're SO there!)

Mom, Dad, Addy, and Casey made the treacherous drive through the mountains to come celebrate with us! We spent the afternoon at Boxerwood, went to dinner at Macadoos, and set off fireworks after dark.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, Addy stole my phone and changed the wallpaper to this... payback, sis ;)

On our way to fireworks, Emma provided us with a little dance and song entertainment...

She also did a pretty awesome rendition of "Bad to the Bone," that went something like "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-baaaaaaaaad Boooooooooonne!"

But I'm mysteriously missing the video, so you'll just have to imagine....

My birthday was lots of fun too! There were presents...

...Wingers Sticky Fingers prepared by the menfolk...

And one very, incredibly messy and decadent chocolate cake.

Emma trying to blow out my candles early...

It was a group effort.

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made our two days so special for us! I so appreciated the gifts sent from family, the texts and phone calls, and the string of birthday cards I've been getting all week! Mostly, I'm super grateful for your friendship and love! Thanks for being in my life :)


Mackenzie said...

I LOVE the video of Emma dancing! Too cute!

Brenda Epps said...

In the one picture that I am in I look so mad. Is this how I must look all of the time?