Monday, October 24, 2011

A weekend of Firsts!

Last weekend was a big one for us! Lots of first times: the first time I've left Emma overnight (!!), the first time Mom, Addy, and I have had a girls weekend, the first time I've been to Time Out For Women, and the first time Chris and Emma have ever been to Richmond (and maybe the first for me too-- I can't really remember?)!

It was all lots and lots of fun, and I did remember to snap a few pics:

Jericho Road performed. Addy swooned.

After TOFW, Chris, Emma, and I stayed behind to explore Richmond a little bit...

We got to hit a Triple D restaurant, which is always fun! As a disclaimer, please note that Chris took these pictures:


Marie said...

looks like y'all had a blast! Thanks to y'all introducing me to the amazement which is Triple Ds, Zane is now a convert as well! we seriously <3 that show! so was the diner delicious?! :)

Just Jaime said...

FUN! I went to TOFW in February and it was amazing!